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RELEASE: Bryce Beal Outraged by Blatant Election Interference by Democrats: Demands Trump be Reinstated on the ME and CO Primary Ballots

Updated: Jan 17


January 12, 2023 

Bryce Beal Outrage by Blatant Election Interference by Democrats:

Demands Trump be Reinstated on the ME and CO Primary Ballots

Bryce Beal, the conservative, Republican candidate for Missouri’s 44th House District demands that President Trump immediately be reinstated on the Maine and Colorado primary ballots.

This unprecedented and likely unconstitutional move reeks of a calculated attempt to silence the voters and subvert the democratic process. Beal is dedicated to and fights in court for election integrity. He asserts that this is a direct attack on the principles of free and fair elections, which are the bedrock of our Constitutional Republic.


"I won't stand idly by while Democrats trample on our democracy! The exclusion of President Trump is a clear abuse of power of the highest order," declared Beal.

Bryce Beal calls on every elected official and candidate running for office nationwide to make their position on this blatant abuse of power known to the voters. "The American people should decide who their elected representatives are. I urge my fellow candidates and elected officials nationwide to stand up against this injustice and let their voices be heard. This is not a partisan issue; it's about the fundamental principles that make our democracy strong," Beal adds.

Beal demands an immediate reversal of these egregious decisions and calls on the authorities to investigate how these decisions were made in the first place. "I will fight tooth and nail to protect our Constitutional Republic from these outrageous abuses of power,” Beal concludes.

For media inquiries, please contact Bryce Beal for Missouri at


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